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Saturday, 3 December 2011


1.    Carrots were used to be purple before the 17th century ….

the orange carrot wasn’t cultivated  until the Dutch growers in late 16th century  took mutant stains of yellow green and violet carrot nd developed the orange carrot that we are enjoying today
SO tahnx to DUTCH :-P

2.  Color of twist tie on bread packaging means something …….

the color signifies that wht day the bread was baked on . these are nt meant  fr coustomers ……
it it fr those who needs to sell the old bread  b4 the fresh one :-p

3.       Why carbonated beverages are called “Soft drinks “ …..

the manufacturers were having hard time during adv. Of soda , fizzy drinks etc ……
so agreed on the common name “Soft drink “

4.       Twin cakes accentually expires fairly quickly ……

these cakes expires in 2 days due to the dairy product in them but thanx to our industrial minded ppl they start using chemicals nd air tight packing that made the life 25 days can u believe it u consuming tones of chemical in name of dairy product …..
in india best  ExaMple is “CREAM ROLL”

5.          Why is baker dozen is 13 instead of 12 …….

earlier when the bakers were used to cheat the ppl giving less quantity like 8 out of dozen then they were nailed nd the hands were chopped so to avoid this practice they started giving 13 in a dozen so that they dnt sell less less than this practice was in daily use nd so the baker dozen is 13 instead of 12 :-D

6.The color orange was name after the fruit :-p ……

the word orange itself was introduced through Spanish word “NARANJA”……..
Which came from Sanskrit word “naranja” means “orange tree”
then it was in 16th century that the orange word came into existence that we know as color
before orange it was said “GEALOUHREAD”  meaning “yellow- red “…..

7.       Why the garlic makes ur breadth smell bad ….

this happens due to the release of sulphuric  compounds  into the mouth not only that bt it also promotes some kinda microbes in the mouth that dissolves in the blood nd reaches the lungs and that cause the breadth stink even u hav washed ur mouth :-p…….

  The word for dinner used to mean breakfast ……

in fact the English word dinner comes from the word “dinsar” French word meaning breakfast but in earlier times it was the heaviest meal of the day then this meal got broked up in the fast breaking meal cz “breakfast” nd the dinner ended up with the biggest meal of the day that’s at night so nw the food we take at nyt is known as “ dinner “….

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