To prevent our innocent ladies from HIDDEN CAMERA...........
There are several cases of hidden camera in the trying rooms & girls should be aware how to identify those fishy things ........
How to Detect Hidden Camera in Trial Room?

How to Detect Hidden Camera in Trial Room?

In front of the trial room take your mobile and make sure that mobile can make calls........
Then enter into the trail room, take your mobile and make a call.....
If u can't make a call......!!!!
There is a hidden camera......
This is due to the interference of fiber optic cable during the signal transfer......
There are certain gadgets available in the market to detect the
hidden camera .....
1. hidden camera - cam coder glasses ...

if u feel that som1 is watching u in a tryl room jst wear it an u will be able to detect the
hidden camera .......
2. Hidden camera detector .....

There are certain gadgets available in the market to detect the
hidden camera .....
1. hidden camera - cam coder glasses ...

if u feel that som1 is watching u in a tryl room jst wear it an u will be able to detect the
hidden camera .......
2. Hidden camera detector .....

This can also be used to detect the hidden camera ......
The way to save from these hiddin camera the people start using another thing i.e.
2 - way mirror .....

2 - way mirror .....

When we visit toilets, bathrooms, hotel rooms, changing rooms, etc., How many of you know for sure that the seemingly ordinary mirror hanging on the wall is a real mirror, or actually a 2-way mirror I.e., they can see you, but you can't see them. There have been many cases of people installing 2-way mirrors in female changing rooms or bathroom or bedrooms.
It is very difficult to positively identify the surface by just looking at it. So, how do we determine with any amount of certainty what type of Mirror we are looking at?
1st - step :
Observe how the mirror is installed....

A normal mirror is hung against the wall, but an observation mirror is set into the wall. If the wall is behind the mirror, it's probably a normal mirror.
2nd step :
Turn off the lights and hold a flashlight or even a small personal flashlight to the mirror.

If it is a two-way mirror, the room on the other side will be illuminated.
3rd step :
Press your eyes against the mirror and cup them with your hands....

Press your eyes against the mirror and cup them with your hands, creating a dark "tunnel" to block out the light. When you do so, the light in the observation room will be brighter than the light on your side of the mirror, and you should be able to see something beyond the glass ....
4th step :
Tap on the surface of the mirror with your knuckle.

A normal mirror will produce a dull sound because it is placed in front of a wall. A two-way mirror, however, will produce an open, hollow, and reverberating sound, because there is an open space on the other side.
Keep it in mind! Make sure and check every time you enter in hotel rooms......
***..................................... BEWARE........................***
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